01-31-10 Sunday ~Rest Day~ Ignorance and the unwillingness to learn the movements correctly is dangerous - not CrossFit.

Jeff Tincher
Level 3 CrossFit Instructor
CrossFit Fairfax VA
photo courtesy of CrossFit Fairfax

01-31-10 Sunday ~Rest Day~

"Ignorance and the unwillingness to learn the movements correctly is dangerous - not CrossFit. These movements are how our bodies were designed to function. When was the last time you had to do a Lateral Raise in a real life situation? Never is the answer. When was the last time you did a deadlift or squat in a real life situation? Everyday is the answer (try getting out of a chair, off the toilet, or picking something up without squatting or dead lifting). If you can't do a full range of motion squat (crease of hip coming below the knee, weight on heels, knees tracking over the feet, with an upright torso) - you are broken and on a one way path to ending up in a Nursing Home." ~Jeff Tincher CrossFit Fairfax VA

Tactical Fit Ormond

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