01-25-10 Monday WOD Tabata This Kettlbell "Sambo" Swing Medicine Ball Kneeling Lunge Medicine Ball Dragon Squat Medicine Ball Push-up TRX Bridge Pull-

Scott Sonnon is a tactical fitness coach, counter-terrorism and USA national martial art team coach, yoga guru, and wellness speaker known for training the Israeli counter-terrorism school LOTAR, movie stars such as Peta Wilson and Donna Karan as well as Ultimate Fighting Championship mixed martial arts fighters such as Alberto Crane, Jorge Rivera, Andrei Arlovski, and Elvis Sinosic. His fitness system, Circular Strength Training, has been adopted as the official exercise approach for the U.S. Army. He is also a published author, a public speaker, a member and keynote speaker for Mensa - The High IQ Society, a Graduate Faculty Professor at Virginia Commonwealth University, and is an advocate in the fight against childhood obesity.

Tactical Fitness Ormond is in no way affiliated with TactFit. I just really admire his programming. Today's workout is courtesy of Scott, called TactFit GroundFighter 1D. Learn more about Scott Sonnon and his training techniques by visiting RMAX International.

01-25-10 Monday

"Advanced Kettlebell Intensive Week"

This week we will be focusing on new kettlebell skills & techniques.
We will be learning and incorporating new lifts and
swings into our workouts over the next six days.

Dynamic Joint Mobility Series


This workout is designed to mimic fighting stances and positions which

enhance MMA fighters abilities in the ring.

Tabata This

Kettlbell "Sambo" Swing
Medicine Ball Kneeling Lunge
Medicine Ball Dragon Squat
Medicine Ball Push-up
TRX Bridge Pull-up
Warrior Side-plank Push-up

3 Rounds

Tactical Fit Ormond

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