12-23-09 Wednesday Santa's Christmas Carry

12-23-09 Wednesday


Row 200m
Run 200m
2 Rounds

Santa's Christmas Carry
today's programming courtesy of crossfithouston

200m OH Walk(75#/45#)/Farmers Walk (set 55#/set 35#)
80 Pullups
80 Burpees
80 Wall Ball (20#/14#)
200m OH Walk(75#/45#)/Farmers Walk (set 55#/set 35#)

**In a team of two, partners must cover 200m distance; while one is holding the load overhead, the other must do a farmers walk. Anytime during the 200m, partners can switch from Farmers walk to OH or vice versa but they MUST only travel when both the bar is overhead and the kb's are being carried. Once the walk is complete, partners must complete eighty reps as a team at the above stations (only one person working at a time).
Clock stops when both complete the walk.
Tactical Fit Ormond

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