03-27-10 Saturday 7:30am "Deck of Cards"

Happy Saturday CrossFitters! The past two weeks at CrossFit40 have been amazing. As a trainer, it thrills me to see my athletes improve and excel. In the past fourteen days I have seen many of you run 6.2 miles in three to four feet deep mud, climp nine foot walls, scale thirty foot tall rope ladders, lunge thirty feet tall muddy hills, improve on your power cleans and snatches, kick-up the weight on your deadifts, row faster, squat heavier, accomplish your kipping pull-up, muscle-up and more.

Many of you have changed so much, sometimes it's hard for me to even remember the first time you walked through my front door. I love seeing the change that CrossFit brings to people's lives; sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly. With each new accomplishment we change and grow. It's a change that happens on the inside and spreads to the outside. I love the feeling that I can accomplish just about anything if I work hard and try! That my friends is CrossFit.

03-27-10 Saturday @ 7:30am

Kickin' It Old School Again

Deck of Cards

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